Beginners’ Week 2023, Sept 04-09,2023

Beginners’ Week at SSE is the semblance of an induction program, to help students get familiar with the college schedule & life, Sept 04 to Sept 10, 2023.

The activities over the week are designed to include an icebreaker session, dance, sports, games, talent show and outings

Sept 04,2023 The first day of college is exciting and nerve-wracking. A new place, a new environment, and new people all around This year, SSE has begun the Buddy Connect programme. As the freshers walked for registration and joining, a second-year student was assigned to them to help around the campus and hostel. These ‘Buddies’ can seek help, and advice from the seniors, help with academics, hostel advice, share meals, go on an outing etc. Buddy Connect is an initiative beyond the usual senior-junior and mentor-mentee connections. A senior is introduced to every freshman, who will help them get around the campus, help with studies and assignments, encourage them to participate in college activities, etc. This is primarily to help the newcomers feel at home and sail through college life.

Sept 05, 2023, Dean Bala Koteswari interacted with the students. She advised them to be focused from Day 1 and participate in all activities conducted by the college. College is the place where one gets numerous opportunities to express and discover one’s talent.

Sept 06, 2023 Dressed in traditional attires, colourful rangolis and devotion in the heart, the students celebrated the Sri Krishna Janmashtami festival joyfully. Intrinsic rangolis adored the lobby while there were numerous dance performances, narrating stories of Lord Krishna. The ‘Handi’ or pot breaking is one of the most popular traditions in Janmashtami celebrations. Students participated enthusiastically in the sport.

Sept 07, 2023 Visit to Prashanthi Nilayam and Space Theatre.

Sept 08,2023 Faculty talk, College kit distribution and introduction to Class representatives and Club coordinators.

The freshers had an enjoyable and memorable time. The Buddy Connect was a successful pilot project as the freshers & second-year students enjoyed the initiative. They found it comfortable to talk and make friendships, adjust to the college and hostel routine and above all, know that there is a friend whom they can rely on.

We thank the second-year students, H&S faculty and management for making the Beginner’s Week a success.

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